Tuesday, December 29, 2009

chapter 4

Eric was exactly who I thought he was. He reminded me a lot of Simon Gagne. My old Boyfriend from long ago. His gorgeous brown eyes staring back at me. He was sitting half way across the table and I could smell the amazing scent of his cologne.
"What are you doing down here in Pittsburgh?"
"Well originally I have wanted to live in Pitt since I was little. Then V got engaged an she needed some wedding help so Of course I jumped on it."
"So your going to leave after all that is done?"
"Well no I was offered a job at Mellon Arena; Thanks to Vero."
"Oh really doing what?"
"Marketing. I majored in it in College and I worked for the Maple Leaves on an Internship last year."
"No way. So you should be around a lot then?!"
"hah yeah I should."
"Are you staying with Vero and Marc?"
"Right now; Yeah. But V and I are supposed to meet with her Realtor sometime next week."
"Oh So your looking for a place."
"yupp. Im hoping I find one close to V. It would be like the old days again." I smiled thinking back.
"Yeah That would be nice for you guys."
"Yeah. So how often do you come here?" I asked him.
"Oh wow. At least three to four time a week."
"Addicted to Starbucks." I laughed.
I looked up to see Amanda standing there with are drinks.
"Thank you." We both replied then going striaght back to our conversation.
"So Eric..."
"Are you guys going to be at Diesel tonight?"
"Im not sure yet. They havent decided where we are going."
"oh. Well If you guys decided to go anywhere else stop by an let me know?!"
"If i have time." He smiled. Which I could tell already was fake and that he felt uncomfortable.
"okay thanks." She smiled.
She stood there as if she was waiting for something.
"I will give you ten bucks to walk away now." I looked at her.
"Hmm." she didnt look away from him.
"We are trying to have a conversation. I am not trying to be mean or rude but in Canada; even if you are in love with him. You dont just stand there while he's trying to talk to someone. It is weird."
She shrugged her shoulders and stomped back behind the counter where she took her place starring once again.
"Im sorry about that." He looked at me.
"Oh it is fine. Dont worry about it."
"She creeps me out. So thanks for that also."
"Haha it was nothing."
Eric POV
We finished our conversation and I stood up taking both of are drinks to the trash. I notice her look over to see Amanda staring. As we started to walk out She grabbed my hand causing a shiver down my spine. I smiled at her as we walked out the door.
I drove her over to Vero and Marc's before She got out of the car I stopped her.
"Hey. You have one of Marc's passes dont you?"
"umm yeah."
"Well how about you give his back to him."
"Okay..I dont see where this is going."
"He reached into his glove box and pulled out a pass."
"Wear mine."
"Okay?" She looked at me confused.
"It makes me play better when there is someone with my pass at the game." I looked down.
"Oh okay." She smiled.
I smiled back before rolling up the window and backing back out the drive way and down the street.
Vero POV
I heard the car pull in, I rushed to the door hoping to be hearing about a lovely time. As I expected she had a HUGE smile on her face.
"Have a good time?" I asked as she walked in.
"Yeah. Amazing time."
"You gonna tell me?"
"yes. Can we go get my bags first."
"They are already in your room for you."
"Marc did it after we got lunch."
"oh okay."
"well..." She started to explain as I led her to her room.
After helping her unpack and lisening to her story I had to tell her about Simon.
"Oh my I am glad that you guys hit it off."
"I know. It was awesome how we clicked."
"So I got some news for you."
"Oh really."
"so tell me."
She smiled.
"What about him?"
"He plays for the Flyers now."
"You are kidding!"
"No." I looked down.
"Well it is okay I havent talked to him in FOREVER!"
"yeah I know. But anyways happier note."
"what is that?"
"Sweet! Game plan?"
"Well We are meeting the girls to eat in about 2 hours. Then we are heading over to the arena. After that we havent decided of weither or not we want to party with the guys or if we go out solo tonight."
"Sounds like a blast."
"Oh it is. Kels will be over here in a hour though to start bottle popping."
"Man. Who is driving?"
"Yeah they are meeting us here then the girls are getting in the limo with us at the arena where they were told to drive with the guys. Although some of them wont."
We both laughed.
"I dont know what to wear."
I looked at her worried."Oh okay lets get to it then."

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