Friday, December 18, 2009

Chapter 3.

He was standing face to face with her, He had a hold of her making sure not to let go as eric walked back. I saw a wink as she smiled an said goodbye. I walked over just as Vero unlatched Max's grip.
"You are such a douche and you wonder why she doesnt want to be with you." Kelsey told Max.
Tyler walked with the girls out as I held Max back to talk to him.
"Man you need to calm down."
"I cant after seeing that it killed me it was like freshman year all over again. Seeing him with her broke me to pieces."
"I know an I am sorry. But like Eric said its up to her. Not me not V or you or Eric ONLY Renaee can make this desicsion and no one can make it for her."
"I know i know."
"Go home. Sleep. Get your head in the game. We play the flyers tonight...Remember...."
"Wait Simon Gagne will be here."
"That is the one that she was with."
"Oh yeah I forgot that it was him."
"You think she will see him?"
"Doubt she even knows."
"Good lets keep it that way." he poutted off.
"Bye Max."
Tyler walked out with us to the car where we found Eric standing outside his.
"What is he doing?" Tyler looked at us.
"No clue." V answered
"Same." Kelsey agreed
"Why dont you go find out Renaee." he pushed me in front of him.
"Why me?"
"I dont know cause you like him.."
I walked over to his car an his smile caught me as soon as he looked at me.
"Well Hello...."
"I was hoping you would come over here. Considering that was why Im standing outside in the cold for."
"Im sorry."
"How about we go get some coffee?"
"ummm.. Yeah. Let me go tell V?"

"He was waiting for me..."
"Outside in the cold?"
"Yeah.. I dont know."
"But Im a gonna go get some coffee with him give us a chance to talk with out being interupted."
"Oh okay. text me?!"
"Yup...Bye girls."
"Have fun." the both smiled an waved to me as I walked over to Eric.
When I made it outside I noticed that V was sitting in her car alone. So I walked up thinking maybe she drove seperatley?!
"Hey where is Renaee."
"She is with Eric isnt she."
"I dont know."
"V come on what do you have against me. I thought we were friends... Friends help friends."
"We are friends Max an I am sorry to say this but you are a man whore and I dont need to watch my best friend go through that."
"did you think that I was like that because of what happened when we were younger and maybe she is my cure."
"Nope. Max did you ever think that maybe she doesnt want to be with you..."
"Like she was happier with Simon Gagne..."
"She was Happy with him Max but you were to stubborn and head strong to even see that. If you truley love her like you say you do then you will want to see her happy weither its with you or not as long as she is happy you should be happy."
"Why would I be happy if she is with another guy.. How does that make me happy?"
"I dont know but Max I am her best friend if I knew she wasnt happy then I know damm well that I would be talking her out of doing what ever it was that was making her unhappy."
"Yeah I guess."
"Just leave it be an maybe she will fall for you be your self. Dont be pushy. Let her adjust let her do the things she wants to do."
"Alright I guess you are right.."
"I am right."
"I'll see you later tonight. Oh an by the way.. If you dont want her hurting I wouldnt bring her to the game Simon plays for the flyers.. just a reminder."
"Oh shit I forgot all about that... DAMM!"
I pulled out my phone as soon as Max left as I waited for Marc to see If he wanted to get lunch since Renaee went with Eric.
I scrolled to Marc's name...."Hurry your ass up, Im starving."
Then scrolled to Kelsey.."Girl prob ASAP!"
Marc texted back saying he was on his way out...When he reached the car an threw his stuff in his car parked next to mine he looked around an got a really cute but confused look on his face.
"With Eric."
"Oh. So just me an you?"
He jumped in an off we went to more then likley get Chinese.
Eric is so damm cute...He is like perfect for me we lisen to the same music which is weird considering that I have NEVER EVER found a dude that lisens to Framing Hanley like I do most just know them for the remix of Loilipop but Eric and I both had atleast 20 of there songs downloaded on are IPODS.
"So you like the same music...That's good. Cause Now I dont have to worry about that."
I laughed.
"Yeah. One akward thing out of the way."
"Yes for sure."
"So do me a favor?"
"put your number in my phone before I forget?!"
"Yupp...Pass it here."
He handed me his phone..I put in my number then thought hard about the name, I settled on 'Renaee:]]' not going over board on to much. He looked through till he found my name.
"Nice smiley face." he smiled.
"I know right. Shoot me a text."
I saved his under 'ERIC "Godzilla" Godard' not allowing him to see it yet.
When he pulled up to Starbucks he opened the door for me then wrapped me in a bear hug.
"What is this for?"
"Well I didnt get to hug you before..Because I didnt want the chance of Max taking my head of again." He smiled.
"Ahhah I got it."
Sure enough he had my phone in his hands.
"An plus I wanted to see what my name was." he laughed running into Starbucks.
"That was a good one I have to admit." I chased after him.
"Yeah I know." He smiled. "So Godzilla?" I laughed.
"Isnt that your nickname?"
He laughed. "What would you like?"
"ummm.... Strawberry & creme Frap?"
"Was that a question."
"Kind of." I laughed.
"Well that is what I am getting."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. See she already has it rung in an I didnt even tell her that."
"Come here often."
"Yeah kind of." He smiled. "Two please Amanda."
"Coming up Eric." She gave him a flirty smile. "I can bring them out to you E. Cause the machine is messing up."
"Oh okay. Thanks."
We went to sit down an I could feel her staring daggers at me.

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